Yesterday, LarsPhysant, opened his exhibition Multiversal Realism. Geometries of the Wind, at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Mijas in Málaga, Spain, introduced by Else Marie Bukdahl, president of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 1985 – 2005. The exhibition can be seen until October 30th.
Lars Physant
”Simultaneous Perception”, ”Contrapunctual Realism”, “United, Divided Reality” and “Introspective Realism” are terms that describe my pictorial project.
Multiversal realism (which we could also call metauniversal realism) has especially to do with the way in which juxtaposed painting styles, parallel pictorial universes and simultaneous states on the divided surface of a pain- ting show how COMPLEMENTARY and COMPLEX the act of seeing in itself and the visual perception are. 1, 2
Any painting can be perceived as a Universe. My paintings are built up as a sum of confluent paintings, universes that, each one of them, can be perceived as an indivisible and finished whole and, at the same time, as being elements making up a major COSMOS. In short, a constant interaction between discontinuity and continuity.
The WIND as natural phenomenon is a compensating element of pressure, a distributor of energy with enough power to create equilibrium. Being INVISIBLE the wind is marvellous as pictorial inspiration. From a motivistic point of view and just as music, the wind can only be dealt with parting from the traces it leaves behind, although it leaves “external traces”, while music leaves “internal” traces in our consciousness. 3
For me, the wind is a great metaphor of what happens to the spectator when his eyes run over the surface of the painting and he is incessantly forced to a change of state / position. It is (also) about accepting perpetual transformation and mutability. Pantarhei –everything flows.
The eternal demand of simultaneous perception and the fragmentation moment in creating, in the experience everywhere, in everything that surrounds us, in the culture we inhabit, seems to be a vital condition in the 21st Century.
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