Exhibition at Kastrupgårdsamlingen
The text below is extracted from the text “The Surprising relationship between Art and Science” by Else Marie Bukdahl in the catalogue for the exhibition.
… The surface of the painting is so disrupted that it provides many opportunities for subtle shape formations. The void at the centre of the painting creates surprising confrontations between the artistic universe and reality. The empty space also alludes to infinity and reveals that we can only appreciate nature disjointedly and in pieces, while pictorial art can provide an idea of a totality. The outlines in this totality also reflect an inner reality and express states of mind, which is a central element in Lars Physant’s conception of art.
… In Lars Physant’s paintings we find a visualisation of a clear break with all rational fossil ways of thinking, and new openings to the world of feelings and imagination. He thus succeeds in providing us with a broader and more multifaceted experience than those we have in our daily life.
… painting is a process of “forming with colour” and using the language of art to reveal new aspects of our fragmented world, expressing human values and opening up dialogues between the local and the global in art, science and our society.
“Vindens variationer” can be seen at the exhibition.
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